UCHealth Employee Scholarships

Thanks to our generous donors, the UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital Foundation is pleased to offer academic scholarships to UCHealth employees.

Scholarships are available to support permanent and relief employees’ academic pursuits toward associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate program. Applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible via completing a single application.

2025-2026 Scholarship Application 

Information regarding applications for the 2025 Employee Scholarship program will be coming soon. Review the frequently asked questions below or contact us for more information on the program.

employee Scholarship program faq’s

When does the scholarship application open? When is the deadline to apply?

UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital Foundation accepted scholarship applications from April 1-30, 2024. Check back again next spring for more information on the next program.

How do I apply?

Submit your application and supporting documents at: https://forms.office.com/r/g42wVQ0hwL

What’s required for the application?

Applicants must thoroughly complete the application questions, submit an unofficial transcript, and upload a signed letter of recommendation from a current or previous supervisor with the application.

When are scholarship awards announced?

Communication regarding scholarship awards and the amount details will be announced in June 2024 via email.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • UCHealth employees based at BFH or LPH and the following affiliated clinics: Boulder Family Medicine, Carbon Valley Medical Center, Erie Nine Mile Medical Center, Longs Peak Medical Center, and the Longmont Clinic.
  • Full-time and part-time permanent employees with a minimum of one year of service to UCHealth (as of June 1, 2024) and employees with PRN status with a minimum of two years of service to UCHealth (as of June 1, 2024).
  • Employee is in good standing.
How much are scholarship awards?

Awarded scholarship amounts may vary from $500 to $2,000.

If I was awarded a scholarship previously, am I eligible to apply for another one?

UCHealth is dedicated to the education and advancement of our employees and welcomes you to apply again.

Is there a deadline for when I need to use my award by?

For scholarships awarded in June, 2024, awards must be used between July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025.

I was awarded a scholarship. What are my next steps?
  • Scholarship recipients must maintain employment with UCHealth for one year following receipt of the scholarship.
  • The foundation will contact you should we need additional information about your institution in order to process the award.
  • By accepting a scholarship, you will be requested to provide a note of thanks to be used in future Foundation communication and sent to the donors who have made this scholarship possible.
Employee Scholarships vs Ascend Program
    • Employee scholarships: This program is generously funded by UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital Foundation donors. The scholarship award goes directly to the institution of your choice to support tuition for that program.

    • Ascend is a system-wide program offered in partnership with Guild Education; Ascend is offered in partnership with UCHealth. UCHealth will fully fund a selection of clinical certifications and foundational learning programs such as English language and college prep, as well as select degree programs in social work, behavioral health, and other areas. These programs target critical staffing areas, and supporting employees’ growth into these roles will help address the shortage of clinical healthcare workers.

For questions regarding eligibility for both programs, contact us at lph-foundation@uchealth.org

We appreciate your interest in supporting employee education! If you’d like to donate to support a scholarship program, visit our donation page or employee donation page link and select LPH Employee Education or LPH Nursing Scholarships in the Designation drop-down box” in your designation. Contact the UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital Foundation at 720.718.3015. to get started if you want to establish and name an endowed scholarship.